Just so you have a little idea about why I have decided to make this blog about advertising, let me explain. I studied Graphic Design in Atlantic University College, in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. My goal was to have my own graphic and web design and web development studio. Of course, I knew it was going to take time and money, and I am only 21 years old, I was going to need more experience than the one I already had from my freelance work. So before I graduated form college, I earned an internship at telemundopr.com as a web designer and in an advertising agency near by as a graphic designer. I kept both internships with the hopes to work in one of them. I wanted to work at Telemundo more than anything, but when the internship was over there where no positions available, so they let me go. I was kind of sad at the moment, but now that I think about it, it was the best thing that could happen to me.
When my internship at the advertising agency was over, there were no positions in the creative department available either. I had made such a good job that they didn't want to let me go, so they offered me a job as an assistant accountant. I did not like the job, but I kept looking for other jobs. A few weeks later, the traffic director position opened at the agency, so they promoted me. The told me it was temporary, but I didn't mind that job, I kinda liked it.
To make a long story short, right now I am the marketing director and creative coordinator at the agency. Also, I am studying Business Entertainment at Full Sail, and I love it! I have realised how important advertising is to any product or brand. That is why I become "NUTS" when the advertising topic is brought up.
Enough about me, let me explain why Creative Advertising is so important. I recently had to make a school project, it wasn't so hard to do it because I could talk about any topic in my field of interest. Of course, I was going to talk about advertising!
This is part of what I wrote:
"Creative Advertising not only informs the customers about the good quality of a product, but also helps when making the buying decision. To make a product highlight between the different competitors, advertising must use creative strategies through the different types of media, such as television, billboards, newspapers, radio, magazines, Internet and much more. By using the media, a message is sent, so it is important to make an emotional connection and get to know the brand or the product by the good qualities because one opinion, can be heard by many others. A good opinion and advice, even the emotional connection of one person can attract more customers. It is important to impact and call the consumers attention when creating advertising campaigns. In order to make any successful campaign it needs a target, brand identity, a message and wise design, it needs to make a good impression. It is important to think outside the box."
Here is an example of creative advertising
Make sure to check out this great sources that can help you with any advertising question:
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